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Summer newsletter


Pottstown Bible Church

What’s Happening? Poverty is still very apparent in Pottstown. Jesus made this very clear back in Matthew 26:11 "For you always have the poor with you”

PBC is fast approaching the completion of its 18th year in ministry, and we still average 75+ meals every Sunday. We still have folks living in the woods as well as on the streets of the town. Our mission still remains the same!

We are again meeting in the church and are continuing to live stream our services. I felt led to share with you once again our: Seven Foundational Distinctives of Pottstown Bible Church Preaching Solid Expository Preaching of Scripture Discipleship One on One offered to anyone who wants to grow Prayer Available to anyone who wants to join us each week Fellowship Mid-week Bible study, Divorce care. Worship Live worship service every Sunday to glorify God Mission Feeding those who are hurting and homeless Leadership Elders and deacons to lead and guide PBC

This year I have felt a sense of urgency stronger than ever before. Perhaps it’s because I’m getting older or perhaps our time is growing short. Whatever the reason, this has been and always will be the Lord’s ministry, His Church. For Dr. Carter and myself, the passion to Preach the Gospel and teach the Word of God is still very strong and burns deep in both of us. We want to see the lives of the people we minister to transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

“Mt 5:3 ¶ "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”

For those of you who support us financially, you make this possible for us to continue!

What’s Upcoming??

July 10th - 8am-10:15 am Men’s fellowship breakfast at our church Topic “You can trust the scriptures”

August 15th - 6-8PM Our worship team “Bruce and the Believers” will be performing At: Victory Park in Royersford Pa. All are welcome!!

In Closing As with every year, the summer hits us hard financially. Please prayerfully consider Helping us out with a one-time gift or monthly support. The poverty stricken in our church do not have the ability to sustain our ministry. The majority of our support comes from folks like you who care about the hurting and homeless.

Donations can be made online at: or by mail: PO Box 551 Pottstown Pa. 19464 Blessings, Pastor Jack

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